hmm ... i am beginning to wonder if its worth keeping this blog going, i am finding it difficult to keep it updated, mainly I blame the iphone.... i hardly ever use my lap top anymore... so this is a last ditch attempt at my blog, I am reluctant to say goodbye to it mainly because most of the difficult times in my life i have written about and are here in case i ever need to revisit them or ponder...
health isnt great this last few weeks, harriet lovingly gave me a cold and after a day i knew it would hav gone to my chest which is predicatbly did so, in the worst way, i spent 2 nights with 2 hours scattered sleep before having a 'tired' meltdown at 3am last thursday as i was unable to sleep and absolutely exhausted. none of this is helped by the fact i am unable to sleep/rest during the day due to a very active 18 month old (where has the time gone ) so I have got Cipro for 14 days , but i havent seen any improvement yet -5 days- still wheezing and creaking and have a delightfully blueish tinge to my nails and lips, my sats are when resting sitting at 90-93% i am hoping tomorrow or weds i may see some benefit otherwise i may have to admit defeat and get admitted, not bad for it being 2nd time this year for IVs, previously it used to be a 4-5-6 yearly trip... thats what looking after yourself and being reasonably compliant does.... Any way apart from that i am good. working as a nursery nurse 20 hours a week which is more than enough,although i am on sick already and been employed for only 6 weeks! but they are great about it thank heavens!
off to plymouth in 3 weeks with the in laws and sister and their kids which will be lovley just hope i can shift creaky chest by then ~! fingers crossed..
until next time...