Wednesday, 26 August 2009

21 weeks

i am 21 weeks and 2 days pregnant, baby girl is bigger than a uk size 5 shoe, and is forming taste buds....

We had our 20 weeks scan last week and i am pleased to say that all is loking absolutely normal, everything is there and she has grown so much and was wriggling about like never before!!! the radiographer said that it was looking likely it was a girl so we are going to buy lots of girls things although i already have tbh!!!! also had diabetic clinic, which was ok, the best bit was speaking to the obstetrician and she is really lovely and we went through some things which could affect the baby like high sugars etc which i already knew about, and her views on birthing, which she is thinking inducing me at between 36-37 weeks (around the beginning / mid december) all dependant on my sugars, babys size and how well my lungs will be coping with the pressure. all in all a great appointment, will be scanned at regular points form my next appointment at 24 weeks to check baby....

also had the fetal heart scan at oxford and our baby has a perfectly normal heart which lowers the risk for the rest of pregnancy, :-)

We booked a 4d scan at babybond for the 30th october so i cant wait for that!!! it will be amazing to see what baby looks like!

only 7 weeks untill i leave work and start maternity leave and i can not wait, my back has been giving me greif and i just want to sleep all the timeĀ¬!!


Sunday, 16 August 2009

still here....

what an eventful few weeks, was on home ivs (meropenim) and cipro for two weeks at the begining of july, then had a week off from work after the ivs, then ended up in hospital for another 2 weeks of ivs as i got a really bad chest infection, all is cleared now and have been fighting fit now for a week, and back at work for 5 days now. I cant have cipro any more untill i have had the baby, i can only have fluclox oral, and merepenim iv, so my options are very limited so mustkeep well!!! sugars were up in hospital so need to monitor them now before i attend diabetic clinic on thursday (groan...) thats about it from cf land,

I am now 20 weeks pregnant, so only about 17 weeks to go!!! all being well, so its very exciting, we are at the hospital on thursday in the morning for the 20 week scan and then in the afternoon for diabetic clinic, whish me luck!
starting to get bits for our baby now, my good friend bought us a moses basket, and we have had the furniture delivered, and adam has started painting the nursery!!! will put some pictures up soon!!!
