Monday, 19 April 2010

long time! 1st time in hospital!

i have been rubbish, i know i know, but i am here now and will regale a few tales from the last month,

i was admitted to hospital on the 1st april for IVs as i had been in desperate need of them as i had put off ivs for so long this being the first course i had been given since november when i was 31 weeks pregnant and really poorly. but this time was a sort of tune up and although i didnt feel poorly my lung function reflected that i needed IVs as it was down to 60% from my usual 74% harriet came in with me and i was lucky enough to have a cot form the childrens ward but i was warned it may need to ga back at any point if they needed it, so i tooka travel cot with us. I cant beleive how much stuff a baby needs, I had for myself, A rucksack, my eflow bag and my handbag, Queen Harriet had a travel cot, suitcase, changing bag, 2 x bags for life of toyes blankets etc, a baby bath, steriliser, music box, nappies & wipes, pushchair base/carrycot/seat unit, and her car seat.... all in my fiesta! oh and 2 of my pillows it was a squeeze!

i was on meropenim and colomycin, and all the otherusual! me and harriet ventured out everyday wether it be as far as the canteen or round the hospital! adam visited most days and i was lucky enough that he had her overnight for 3 times which gave me the time for much needed rest, the nurses were brilliant and they had her occasionally when i needed to shower or get bottles ready, they also fussed over her but this wasnt always good when i was trying to get her to sleep, all in all it wasnt too bad, i will aim to do home ivs next time but thats because harriet might be crawlng and i dont think its suitable to have her on the ospital floors or cooped up in her cot, but time will tell,

she has started on some baby rice and fruit now and she just loves her fruit, i am so so proud of her and she also gave me her first giggle too which made me want to cry, it was also a year ago to the day on the 13th that she was conceived Through the miracle of IVF, we are so so luck and i love her, i cant believe she is 5 months almost....xx

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