Monday, 7 June 2010

Harriets Christening

6th June 2010

the day went without a hitch, and i have never known Harriet to be such a good baby, she was lovely and had a sleep in the morning then awake and quiet throughout the service then fell asleep utill halfway through the do after,

the vicar did a lovely service and we felt so welcome in the church,

Iam glad we have such a loving family on both sides, we are so lucky, harriet has so many gifts which i will relay later on, her gown was hand made in ireland as a gift from my family (anunty sineady came over and was a god parent,) as was the shawl she wore...

Harriets godparents are my best friend forever (bff!) mel, and chris, and aunty sineady... all three mean so much to me, and adam as well and we are so so pleased that they are part of harriets life as well as mine and adams xx

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