Monday, 4 April 2011

long time no post....again

no posting here as i have nothing to post about, health is great, home is good, and family very very good. I am also starting a new job tomorrow, Since Harriet I was working 1 day a week at pets at home, - hated it, but i got offered my old job in a nursery back. and i took it with open arms, i will be doing 20 hours a week, one full day and a morning and an afternoon per week, which will bring a bit more cash in, and get me out the house, i am so pleased i will be doing something I actually want to do and i love working with kids, although i much prefer my own but no one is going to pay me to stay at home unfortunately, Harriet is 16 months old and very much mobile! shes my best pal ever! health is fantastic, although i have a friend with cf who is quite poorly and needs a Tx, and she had a false alarm today and it has made me realise i am so very lucky to have good (reasonably) health, all things considering, hope she gets that second chance soon.

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