Wednesday, 16 December 2009

15 days on....

i cant believe i have a 15 day old daughter.... i really cant, it doesnt seem real that after all these years that the baby lying in the moses basket is actually mine... i dont have to give her back, she is all mine. She is the most wonderful thing to have ever happened to me and adam, she has changed our lives forever and its all good, she sleeps well, feeds well and is an absolute joy when she opens her eyes to look around,

i am absolutely shattered but thats expected with a newborn baby, adam has gone back to work for 4 days which has been ok so far, i will post a birth story at some point but i cant quite get the time needed to write it, but all went ok with a few dramas here and there!!

chest is doing ok, tiny bit chesty but am managing to keep it at bay, xx


1 comment:

Emmie said...

YAY!!! Love your blog updates and hearing how happy you are is the best! :o) Making me even more excited for my new arrival in a few weeks time. Give Harriet some kisses from me! Glad you are ok and hope you don't get too sleep-deprived xxx