Wednesday, 30 December 2009

4 weeks old,

Harriet is now 4 weeks old, she feeds very well, taking between 3-4 oz 3-4 hourly, she sleeps well and stays awake during the day for a good few hours, and sleeps at night between her feeds, she was weighed on monday and is a great 7lb 1oz which is an increase of 1lb in a week!!! must be doing something right, i have been officially discharged from the midwife and now just have her 6 week check with the health visitor on the 19th jan and thats it, i just have to take her weekly to be weighed at baby clinic!

still no news with regard to her heel prick results, she will be a carrier of cf which gets flagged up on the heel prick test so am waiting for that to come through.

I still cant believe my luck that this beautiful girl is mine, and has been here for a month, i cant believe i have managed to keep her alive for 4 weeks!!! strange but i do worry something will happen to her but i am getting better as the time goes on.

post pregnancy i am doing great, scar has healed in perfect fashion, although i dont like my 'apron' of tummy that i am sporting but its getting less and less, the blood loss has totally stopped, and my emotions are back on this planet. my chest is doing well, only a slight cough, but i am at clinic next week. i weigh less than what i did when i was first pregnant- which was too much so still going to try to lose a bit but xmas not helping-

and i can now drive!!! yipee!!

my life has changed so dramatically and its tiring and exhausting at times, it is absolutely worth it and i am still on cloud 9, i have my family....

1 comment:

Emmie said...

There's only one thing better than photos of little Harriet and that's a blog update with photos of Harriet LOL!!! I'm sooooo happy for you hun, I really am. 2010 is going to be the most amazing year for you all. Sending you tons of love xxxxx