Wednesday, 10 November 2010

oh gosh she is nearly 1....

In three weeks Harriet will be 1 year old. . . words cant describe how i feel, a mixture of saddness that the year has FLOWN by, feeling of love, joy and most of all i feel incredibly lucky, lucky to have had our little miracle when others out there struggle to even get the chance, lucky that she is healthy and CF free, i just feel lucky- we were so lucky that she was our only chance of becoming a family... i think her first birthday i may shed a few tears,

I have just celebrated my 27th birthday and my first as a mummy, and i am just so glad i can say that. we spent some time as a family which was lovely, and all i have ever wanted.

10th november 2009- in hospital at 32+2 weeks pregnant with pleurisy and pneumonia, and away with the fairies on pethedine and tramadol, little did i know that in three weeks my daughter was going to make an apearance..

Harriet in my tummy last year at 31 weeks,
and the other picture is the 5th november 2010 ready

for the fireworks, how time changes :-)

1 comment:

Emmie said...

Such a lovely post! I know exactly how you feel. Every day I look at Teddy and love him more and think how LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY I am to have him when so many people never have that blessing. Harriet is gorgeous! xxxxx